Wai`anae Wandering W/Gene

November 18, 2010


Today was my 70th hike for the year.  I'd have done a lot more by this time if I didn't fracture my toe back in early October.  That shut me down for a month.

Anyway today Gene and I headed off at first planning to go to SS #2, but some how we decided to check out a picture of a building Gene copied from the State Archives.  It was somewhere in the upper valley.  We headed up the road and at Lookout Point we left the road and climbed the ridge looking for a the view of the picture.

Well we couldn't find it there as there were to many trees blocking the view.  But we did find a lone Tamerind Tree growing and in flower.  Will have to go back in a month or two to seed it is developing and pods.

This is a shot of the Tamerind flower and leaf